In ferromagnetic semiconductors, the coupling of magnetic ordering with semiconductor character accelerates the quantum computing. The structural stability, Curie temperature (Tc), spin polarization, half magnetic ferromagnetism and transport properties of ZnX2Se4 (X = Ti, V, Cr) chalcogenides for spintronic and thermoelectric applications are studied here by density functional theory (DFT). The highest value of Tc is perceived for ZnCr2Se4. The band structures in both spin channels confirmed half metallic ferromagnetic behavior, which is approved by integer magnetic moments (2, 3, 4) μB of Ti, V and Cr based spinels. The HM behavior is further measured by computing crystal field energy ΔEcrystal, exchange energies Δx(d), Δx (pd) and exchange constants (Noα and Noβ). The thermoelectric properties are addressed in terms of electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, Seebeck coefficient and power factor in within a temperature range 0-400 K. The positive Seebeck coefficient shows p-type character and the PF is highest for ZnTi2Se4 (1.2 × 1011 W/mK2) among studied compounds.
Keywords: Zn based chalcogenides; density functional theory; half metallic ferromagnetism; transport properties.