Traumatic Ulcerations Frequencies and Postinsertion Adjustment Appointments in Complete Denture Patients

J Pharm Bioallied Sci. 2021 Nov;13(Suppl 2):S1375-S1380. doi: 10.4103/jpbs.jpbs_207_21. Epub 2021 Nov 10.


Background and aim: The patient who is wearing a denture after missing teeth faces traumatic ulceration very frequently. This ulceration creates difficulties in denture wearing. Hence, this study aimed to evaluate the most common locations of traumatic injuries in form of ulcerations, their frequency, and also the duration and number of adjustment visits required to achieve patient comfort following placement of complete removable dentures.

Materials and methods: Eighty edentulous patients were selected from a private clinic. Complete removable dentures were fabricated for all patients. All patients were evaluated for their complaints after denture insertion. Patients were followed up till the problem persisted. Descriptive analysis was done. Chi-squared test was used to differentiate the associations between lesions, postinsertion visits, and gender.

Results: About 85.62% of patients need denture adjustment because of mucosal injuries during their first visit following. Approximately four appointments are needed for maxillary and six appointments needed for mandibular denture. Male and female have no difference in the number of mucosal injuries in the anatomical area evaluated in the maxilla and mandible using Fisher's exact test (P > 0.05). Mandibular dentures need more appointments than maxillary dentures after post insertion (P < 0.001).

Conclusion: The vestibule was the most common site for mucosal injuries which can be corrected by proper extension of denture flanges during border molding. Pressure indicator ink (arti spot) and paste is used to correct the overextended denture flanges.

Keywords: Complete denture; post-insertion ulcerations; pressure indicator paste.