Mcm2-7 is the catalytic core of the eukaryotic replicative helicase, which together with CDC45 and the GINS complex unwind parental DNA to generate templates for DNA polymerase. Being a highly regulated and complex enzyme that operates via an incompletely understood multi-step mechanism, molecular probes of Mcm2-7 that interrogate specific mechanistic steps would be useful tools for research and potential future chemotherapy. Based upon a synthetic lethal approach, we previously developed a budding yeast multivariate cell-based high throughput screening (HTS) assay to identify putative Mcm inhibitors by their ability to specifically cause a growth defect in an mcm mutant relative to a wild-type strain[1]. Here, as proof of concept, we used this assay to screen a 1280-member compound library (LOPAC) for potential Mcm2-7 inhibitors. Primary screening and dose-dependent retesting identified twelve compounds from this library that specifically inhibited the growth of the Mcm mutant relative to the corresponding wild-type strain (0.9 % hit rate). Secondary assays were employed to rule out non-specific DNA damaging agents, establish direct protein-ligand interaction via biophysical methods, and verify in vivo DNA replication inhibition via fluorescence activated cell sorter analysis (FACS). We identified one agent (β-carboline-3-carboxylic acid N-methylamide, CMA) that physically bound to the purified Mcm2-7 complex (Kdapp119 µM), and at slightly higher concentrations specifically blocked S-phase cell cycle progression of the wild-type strain. In total, identification of Mcm2-7 as a CMA target validates our synthetic lethal HTS assay paradigm as a tool to identify chemical probes for the Mcm2-7 replicative helicase.
Keywords: DNA replication; HTS assay development; Mcm2–7; Multivariate analysis; Yeast screening technology.
Copyright © 2022. Published by Elsevier Inc.