Spleen micro-perfusion level can be evaluated by DDVD (diffusion derived vessel density): DDVD (unit: au/pixel) = Sb0/ROIarea0 - Sb2/ROIarea2, where Sb0 and Sb2 refer to the spleen signal when b is 0 or 2 (s/mm2) and ROI is 'region-of-interest'. This study investigated whether spleen DDVD is altered in patients with viral hepatitis-b (VHB) liver fibrosis. Three datasets were retrospectively analysed. Shenzhen data-1 had 25 healthy volunteers and 15 VHB liver fibrosis patients. Changsha data had 24 healthy volunteers and 31 patients with VHB liver fibrosis. Shenzhen data-2 had 67 healthy volunteers. Shenzhen data-2 were measured by reader-1. Shenzhen data-1 were measured by reader-1 and reader-2. For Changsha data, reader-1 measured all subjects, while Reader-2 measured a random selection of 10 healthy volunteers and two patients from each liver fibrosis grade (total=8). Shenzhen data-2 showed in healthy volunteers there was no age-dependent change of spleen DDVD during 20 ∼71 years old, and women had higher spleen DDVD values than those of men's (16.17±7.34 vs. 12.88±5.91, p=0.04). Changsha data by reader-1 showed patients with liver fibrosis had lower spleen DDVD values than those of healthy volunteers (median=16.24 vs. 23.54, p=0.0031). Results of reader-2 showed the same trend (median=11.64 vs. 23.33, p=0.0165). Shenzhen data-1 measured by reader-1 showed medians of spleen DDVD for patients and volunteers were 8.535 and 12.33 respectively; and those measured by reader-2 were 13.89 and 14.31 respectively. We conclude that diffusion MRI shows spleen DDVD, i.e., micro-circulation per volume tissue, is decreased in VHB liver fibrosis patients.
Keywords: Fibrosis; Liver; Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); Spleen; Viral hepatitis.
Copyright © 2022. Published by Elsevier Inc.