Copy number variations (CNVs) which include deletions, duplications, inversions, translocations, and other forms of chromosomal re-arrangements are common to human cancers. In this report we investigated the pattern of these variations with the goal of understanding whether there exist specific cancer signatures. We used re-arrangement endpoint data deposited on the Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancers (COSMIC) for our analysis. Indeed, we find that human cancers are characterized by specific patterns of chromosome rearrangements endpoints which in turn result in cancer specific CNVs. A review of the literature reveals tissue specific mutations which either drive these CNVs or appear as a consequence of CNVs because they confer an advantage to the cancer cell. We also identify several rearrangement endpoints hotspots that were not previously reported. Our analysis suggests that in addition to local chromosomal architecture, CNVs are driven by the internal cellular or nuclear physiology of each cancer tissue.
Keywords: Cancer; Chromosomal rearrangements; Copy number variations; DNA double strand breaks.
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