Subdomain 5BSL3.2 of hepatitis C virus RNA lies at the core of a network of distal RNA-RNA contacts that connect the 5' and 3' regions of the viral genome and regulate the translation and replication stages of the viral cycle. Using small-angle X-ray scattering and NMR spectroscopy experiments, we have determined at low resolution the structural models of this subdomain and its distal complex with domain 3'X, located at the 3'-terminus of the viral RNA chain. 5BSL3.2 adopts a characteristic 'L' shape in solution, whereas the 5BSL3.2-3'X distal complex forms a highly unusual 'Y'-shaped kissing junction that blocks the dimer linkage sequence of domain 3'X and promotes translation. The structure of this complex may impede an effective association of the viral polymerase with 5BSL3.2 and 3'X to start negative-strand RNA synthesis, contributing to explain the likely mechanism used by these sequences to regulate viral replication and translation. In addition, sequence and shape features of 5BSL3.2 are present in functional RNA motifs of flaviviruses, suggesting conserved regulatory processes within the Flaviviridae family.
© The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.