Greener One-step Synthesis of Novel In Situ Selenium-doped Framework Photocatalyst by Melem and Perylene Dianhydride for Enhanced Solar Fuel Production from CO2

Photochem Photobiol. 2022 Sep;98(5):998-1007. doi: 10.1111/php.13607. Epub 2022 Feb 24.


To minimize the ever-increasing global warming and environmental problems, the conversion of atmospheric CO2 into value-added solar chemicals/fuels is one of the most challenging tasks. As a means to accomplish this, herein we have synthesized first time novel in situ selenium-doped polyimide frameworks (Se-PIFs) photocatalyst via thermal co-polymerization approach between melem (M) and perylene 3, 4, 9, 10-tetracarboxylic dianhydride (PTDA) along with selenium (Se) as a dopant. The Se-PIFs photocatalyst shows outstanding photocatalytic stability and activity for high solar fuel production (HCOOH ~ formic acid) from CO2 . The solar light active Se-PIFs photocatalyst was demonstrating the ~ 10-fold higher photo-conversion of CO2 to formic acid with yields of 250. 6 μmol. The current work is providing a facile and scalable avenue as well as sheds light on creating a new route for in situ judicious design highly efficient Se-PIFs photocatalyst. The outcome is a benchmark instance for the use of selenium-doped polyimide frameworks as a highly practical and efficient solar light active photocatalyst for carrying out the selective production of formic acid from environmental CO2 .