Purpose: Treatment of breast cancer (BC) with borderline or low (1%-9%) estrogen and progesterone expression remains controversial, with recent data disputing ASCO/College of American Pathologists 2010 guidelines that lowered the threshold of receptor positivity from 10% to 1%. The objective of this retrospective study was to validate these guidelines at the Georgia Cancer Center with a high percentage of Black race.
Methods: All female patients with invasive BC diagnosed between 2005 and 2010 at the Georgia Cancer Center were chart reviewed up to an 11-year follow-up with data cutoff at 2016. We used Cox regression to explore survival among three hormonal status (HS) groups (< 1%, 1%-9%, and ≥ 10%) adjusting for all known BC clinicopathologic variables. Fisher's exact test was used to evaluate response to endocrine therapy (ET).
Results: Among 431 patients with mean age 59 years, 24.75% had HS < 1%, 17.5% HS 1%-9%, and 57.75% HS ≥ 10%. Race was 43.75% Black and 54% White. Disease stages were early (I-IIIA) in 84.4% and advanced (IIIB-IV) in 15.56%. Mortality in HS < 1% was significantly higher than that in HS ≥ 10% (hazard ratio [HR]: 1.8; 95% CI, 1.07 to 3.02), whereas no significant mortality difference between HS 1%-9% and HS ≥ 10% (HR: 1.05; 95% CI, 0.48 to 2.30) was observed. ET was protective, and treated patients had higher predicted survival than untreated patients in the 1%-9% group (HR: 0.10; 95% CI, 0.01 to 0.85). There was no significant mortality difference between ET-treated HS 1%-9% and ≥ 10% groups.
Conclusion: One percent cutoff predicted superior survival on treatment with ET compared with the other groups, and HS as low as 1%-9% was equiprognostic to HS ≥ 10%. Whether other factors such as lymphovascular invasion, grade, and other parameters change the behavior of the 1%-9% HS group remains to be explored.