Heteromeric acetyl-CoA carboxylase (htACCase) catalyzes the committed step of de novo fatty acid biosynthesis in most plant plastids. Plant htACCase is comprised of four subunits: α- and β-carboxyltransferase (α- and β-CT), biotin carboxylase, and biotin carboxyl carrier protein. Based on in vivo absolute quantification of htACCase subunits, α-CT is 3- to 10-fold less abundant than its partner subunit β-CT in developing Arabidopsis seeds [Wilson and Thelen, J. Proteome Res., 2018, 17 (5)]. To test the hypothesis that low expression of α-CT limits htACCase activity and flux through fatty acid synthesis in planta, we overexpressed Pisum sativum α-CT, either with or without its C-terminal non-catalytic domain, in both Arabidopsis thaliana and Camelina sativa. First-generation Arabidopsis seed of 35S::Ps α-CT (n = 25) and 35S::Ps α-CTΔ406-875 (n = 47) were on average 14% higher in oil content (% dry weight) than wild type co-cultivated in a growth chamber. First-generation camelina seed showed an average 8% increase compared to co-cultivated wild type. Biochemical analyses confirmed the accumulation of Ps α-CT and Ps α-CTΔ406-875 protein and higher htACCase activity in overexpression lines during early seed development. Overexpressed Ps α-CT co-migrated with native At β-CT during anion exchange chromatography, indicating co-association. By successfully increasing seed oil content upon heterologous overexpression of α-CT, we demonstrate how absolute quantitation of in vivo protein complex stoichiometry can be used to guide rational metabolic engineering.
Keywords: Camelina sativa; absolute protein quantification; acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase); alpha-carboxyltransferase; fatty acid biosynthesis; rational metabolic engineering; subunit stoichiometry.