Objectives: Heart involvement in multisystem inflammatory syndrome associated with COVID-19 in children (MIS-C) is a new challenging problem, requiring fast and reliable diagnostics and appropriate treatment. The aim of this study is to describe heart involvement in patients with MIS-C.
Study design: In this retrospective, multicenter cohort study, data of 122 patients were included. All patients met WHO and CDC criteria of MIS-C.
Results: Various types of heart involvement in MIS-C patients were observed. Patients with solely coronary artery lesions (CAL, n = 10, 8.2%) had typical features of Kawasaki disease: younger age, thrombocytosis and normal ferritin level, without giant CA aneurysms, thrombosis, myocardial infarction, shock, and ICU admission. Patients with solely myocardial involvement (MI, n = 30, 24.6%) had an older onset age, elevated ferritin, LDH, the highest D-dimer, H score, and thrombocytopenia level. The following clinical signs were associated with MI: gastrointestinal and central nervous system disorder, sore throat, swelling face, splenomegaly, shock, and treatment in the intensive care unit required. Patients with a combination of CAL and MI (n = 10, 8.2%) had symptoms similar to patients with solely MI, except for impressive thrombocytopenia. Shock and ICU admission were found in 34.7% of patients without heart involvement (n = 72, 59%). One major criterion [troponin > 32 pg/ml (52 points)] or at least two minor criteria [face swelling (32 points) and D-Dimer > 1,300 ng/ml (29 points)] were associated with MI (>32 points) with a sensitivity of 67.5% and a specificity of 88.9%.
Conclusion: The above-suggested criteria can be added to routine diagnostic procedures to confirm MI in MIS-C patients.
Keywords: children; coronary artery lesions; cytokine storm syndrome; hypercytokine syndrome; multisystem inflammatory syndrome; myocarditis; shock; troponin.
Copyright © 2022 Kostik, Bregel, Avrusin, Efremova, Belozerov, Dondurei, Kornishina, Isupova, Abramova, Felker, Masalova, Santimov, Kozlov, Barakin, Snegireva, Konstantinova, Vilnits, Bekhtereva, Argunova, Matyunova, Sleptsova, Burtseva, Shprakh, Boyko, Kalashnikova and Chasnyk.