Arc, also known as Arg3.1, is an activity-dependent immediate-early gene product that plays essential roles in memory consolidation. A pool of Arc is located in the postsynaptic cytoplasm, where it promotes AMPA receptor endocytosis and cytoskeletal remodeling. However, Arc is also found in the nucleus, with a major portion being associated with promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies (PML-NBs). Nuclear Arc has been implicated in epigenetic control of gene transcription associated with learning and memory. In this study, we use a battery of fluorescence nanoimaging approaches to characterize the behavior of Arc ectopically expressed in heterologous cells. Our results indicate that in the cytoplasm, Arc exists predominantly as monomers and dimers associated with slowly diffusing particles. In contrast, nuclear Arc is almost exclusively monomeric and displays a higher diffusivity than cytoplasmic Arc. We further show that Arc moves freely and rapidly between PML-NBs and the nucleoplasm and that its movement within PML-NBs is relatively unobstructed.
Keywords: Arc/Arg3.1; Förster resonance energy transfer; fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy; fluorescence recovery after photobleaching; oligomerization; pair correlation analysis; promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies.