Diffusion MRI (dMRI) is one of the most popular techniques for studying the brain structure, mainly the white matter region. Among several sampling methods in dMRI, the high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) technique has attracted researchers due to its more accurate fiber orientation estimation. However, the current single-shell HARDI makes the intravoxel structure challenging to estimate accurately. While multi-shell acquisition can address this problem, it takes a longer scanning time, restricting its use in clinical applications. In addition, most existing dMRI scanners with low gradient-strengths often acquire single-shell up to b=1000s/mm2 because of signal-to-noise ratio issues and severe image artefacts. Hence, we propose a novel generative adversarial network, VRfRNet, for the reconstruction of multi-shell multi-tissue fiber orientation distribution function from single-shell HARDI volumes. Such a transformation learning is performed in the spherical harmonics (SH) space, as raw input HARDI volume is transformed to SH coefficients to soften gradient directions. The proposed VRfRNet consists of several modules, such as multi-context feature enrichment module, feature level attention, and softmax level attention. In addition, three loss functions have been used to optimize network learning, including L1, adversarial, and total variation. The network is trained and tested using standard qualitative and quantitative performance metrics on the publicly available HCP data-set.
Keywords: Diffusion MRI; GANs; Multi-shell HARDI; Single shell HARDI; Spherical harmonics; fODF.
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