Audiovisual integration has been related with cognitive-processing and behavioral advantages, as well as with various socio-cognitive disorders. While some studies have identified brain regions instantiating this ability shortly after birth, little is known about the structural pathways connecting them. The goal of the present study was to reconstruct fiber tracts linking AVI regions in the newborn in-vivo brain and assess their adult-likeness by comparing them with analogous fiber tracts of young adults. We performed probabilistic tractography and compared connective probabilities between a sample of term-born neonates (N = 311; the Developing Human Connectome Project (dHCP, and young adults (N = 311 The Human Connectome Project; by means of a classification algorithm. Furthermore, we computed Dice coefficients to assess between-group spatial similarity of the reconstructed fibers and used diffusion metrics to characterize neonates' AVI brain network in terms of microstructural properties, interhemispheric differences and the association with perinatal covariates and biological sex. Overall, our results indicate that the AVI fiber bundles were successfully reconstructed in a vast majority of neonates, similarly to adults. Connective probability distributional similarities and spatial overlaps of AVI fibers between the two groups differed across the reconstructed fibers. There was a rank-order correspondence of the fibers' connective strengths across the groups. Additionally, the study revealed patterns of diffusion metrics in line with early white matter developmental trajectories and a developmental advantage for females. Altogether, these findings deliver evidence of meaningful structural connections among AVI regions in the newborn in-vivo brain.
Keywords: Audiovisual integration; Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI); Neonatal; Newborn; Structural connectivity.
Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.