Purpose: this study was designed to measure the concentration of Vitamin D in the aqueous and to investigate if its topical application can increase quantities in aqueous humor.
Methods: 29 patients scheduled for cataract surgery were divided into two groups. Group 1 was used as a control group, in group 2 patients were instructed to instill one drop of vitamin D eye drops three times daily 10 days before surgery .Aqueous humor was collected with a 30-gauge needle immediately before surgery. Vitamin D concentrations were analyzed by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry.
Results: Aqueous humor (AH) samples in both groups had small but detectable vitamin D levels. In the AH concentrations of vitamin D were, respectively, 2.1ng/mL 0.4 in group 1 and 2.1ng/mL0.3 in group 2(P = 0.9).
Conclusion: Our study confirmed the presence of vitamin D in AH. No significant difference of vitamin D concentration in AH was observed between the treatment and control group.
Keywords: biochemistry/physiology; clinical tests; pharmacology; pre-op medical testing.