The literature indicates that mesonephric carcinoma (MC) and mesonephric-like adenocarcinoma (MLA) typically lack mucinous and squamous features/differentiation. We report 4 cases of ovarian mucinous tumors (1 mucinous cystadenofibroma and 3 mucinous borderline tumors/atypical proliferative mucinous tumors [MBT/APMT]) co-existing with mesonephric-like lesions which were highlighted by Gata3 and Pax8 expression. All cases contained benign mesonephric-like proliferations (MLP) which focally displayed gastrointestinal-type mucinous metaplasia/differentiation and some were intimately admixed with mucinous glands associated with the mucinous tumor. Metaplastic mucinous epithelium retained expression of Gata3 and Pax8 in some areas while 1 mucinous cystadenofibroma and 1 MBT/APMT were focally positive for Pax8. Along with these mesonephric components, case 1 exhibited features of mesonephric hyperplasia and in 2 cases, 3 and 4, MLA was identified. In case 4, a KRAS c.35G>T (p.Gly12Val) somatic mutation was detected in both the MBT/APMT and the MLA, indicating a clonal origin. This same mutation was also detected in the benign MLP, indicating that it was likely an early genetic event. A CTNNB1 c.98C>T (p.Ser33Phe) somatic mutation, FGFR2 amplification, and CDKN2A/p16 deletion were only detected in the MLA but not in the MBT/APMT. Our result provides evidence to demonstrate the clonal relationship between these morphologically distinct components. Although speculative, we postulate that benign MLPs may give rise to lineage-specific mucinous and mesonephric-like lesions and propose that the MLPs are a new possible origin of some ovarian mucinous tumors. Whether these MLPs arise through transdifferentiation of Müllerian tissue or represent true mesonephric remnants, however, remains largely unknown.
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