Animals display a body temperature rhythm (BTR). Little is known about the mechanisms by which a rhythmic pattern of BTR is regulated and how body temperature is set at different times of the day. As small ectotherms, Drosophila exhibit a daily temperature preference rhythm (TPR), which generates BTR. Here, we demonstrate dorsal clock networks that play essential roles in TPR. Dorsal neurons 2 (DN2s) are the main clock for TPR. We find that DN2s and posterior DN1s (DN1ps) contact and the extent of contacts increases during the day and that the silencing of DN2s or DN1ps leads to a lower temperature preference. The data suggest that temporal control of the microcircuit from DN2s to DN1ps contributes to TPR regulation. We also identify anterior DN1s (DN1as) as another important clock for TPR. Thus, we show that the DN networks predominantly control TPR and determine both a rhythmic pattern and preferred temperatures.
Keywords: CP: Neuroscience; anterior dorsal neurons 1; body temperature rhythms and Drosophila melanogaster; circadian clock; circadian rhythms; dorsal neurons 2; posterior dorsal neurons 1; temperature homeostasis; temperature preference rhythms; thermoregulation.
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