Maintaining high sensitivity while limiting false positives is a key challenge in peptide identification from mass spectrometry data. Here, we investigate the effects of integrating the machine learning-based postprocessor Percolator into our spectral library searching tool COSS (CompOmics Spectral library Searching tool). To evaluate the effects of this postprocessing, we have used 40 data sets from 2 different projects and have searched these against the NIST and MassIVE spectral libraries. The searching is carried out using 2 spectral library search tools, COSS and MSPepSearch with and without Percolator postprocessing, and using sequence database search engine MS-GF+ as a baseline comparator. The addition of the Percolator rescoring step to COSS is effective and results in a substantial improvement in sensitivity and specificity of the identifications. COSS is freely available as open source under the permissive Apache2 license, and binaries and source code are found at
Keywords: COSS; Percolator; mass spectrometry; peptide identification; rescoring; spectral library.