We propose a systematic and sequential expansion of the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation utilizing the dependence of the Gilbert damping tensor on the angle between magnetic moments, which arises from multi-body scattering processes. The tensor consists of a damping-like term and a correction to the gyromagnetic ratio. Based on electronic structure theory, both terms are shown to depend on e.g. the scalar, anisotropic, vector-chiral and scalar-chiral products of magnetic moments:ei⋅ej, (nij⋅ei)(nij⋅ej),nij⋅ (ei×ej),(ei⋅ej)2,ei⋅ (ej×ek) …, where some terms are subjected to the spin-orbit fieldnijin first and second order. We explore the magnitude of the different contributions using both the Alexander-Anderson model and time-dependent density functional theory in magnetic adatoms and dimers deposited on Au(111) surface.
Keywords: Gilbert damping; Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert equation; electronic structure; non-collinear magnetism.
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