With the advent of posttraumatic elbow rehabilitation, prevention of elbow stiffness has become a key part of the development of sports medicine. In order to clarify the time point of joint movement after internal fixation to the elbow and to provide a mechanical model for individualized diagnosis. This paper uses electromagnetic wave detection technology to quickly detect the bioelectrical impedance signal of the patient's lesion location, then passes the message to the upper control system for processing, summarizes the improved Hilbert-Huang transform to deep learning, and deep learning algorithms and computer technology are used to mine the bioelectrical impedance signal of the elbow joint. The simulation and human experiment results show that bioelectrical impedance signals can clarify the pathogenesis of elbow joint stiffness and the relationship between rehabilitation treatment time and duration. It has the advantages of low cost, high fitting accuracy, strong robustness, and noninvasiveness.
Copyright © 2022 Guodong Gao et al.