A Text Messaging Intervention to Support Latinx Family Caregivers of Individuals With Dementia (CuidaTEXT): Development and Usability Study

JMIR Aging. 2022 Apr 28;5(2):e35625. doi: 10.2196/35625.


Background: Latinx family caregivers of individuals with dementia face many barriers to caregiver support access. Interventions to alleviate these barriers are urgently needed.

Objective: This study aimed to describe the development of CuidaTEXT, a tailored SMS text messaging intervention to support Latinx family caregivers of individuals with dementia.

Methods: CuidaTEXT is informed by the stress process framework and social cognitive theory. We developed and refined CuidaTEXT using a mixed methods approach that included thematic analysis and descriptive statistics. We followed 6 user-centered design stages, namely, the selection of design principles, software vendor collaboration, evidence-based foundation, caregiver and research and clinical advisory board guidance, sketching and prototyping, and usability testing of the prototype of CuidaTEXT among 5 Latinx caregivers.

Results: CuidaTEXT is a bilingual 6-month-long SMS text messaging-based intervention tailored to caregiver needs that includes 1-3 daily automatic messages (n=244) about logistics, dementia education, self-care, social support, end of life, care of the person with dementia, behavioral symptoms, and problem-solving strategies; 783 keyword-driven text messages for further help with the aforementioned topics; live chat interaction with a coach for further help; and a 19-page reference booklet summarizing the purpose and functions of the intervention. The 5 Latinx caregivers who used the prototype of CuidaTEXT scored an average of 97 out of 100 on the System Usability Scale.

Conclusions: CuidaTEXT's prototype demonstrated high usability among Latinx caregivers. CuidaTEXT's feasibility is ready to be tested.

Keywords: Latinx individuals; caregiving; dementia; mHealth.