Objective: This article reviews the effects of androgen deprivation therapy on bone health and loss of bone mineral density and its effects on risk of fractures for men with prostate cancer, as well as describes the assessment, management, and nursing strategies for patient and caregiver education, prevention strategies, and side effect management.
Data sources: Peer-reviewed articles formed the basis of this article.
Conclusion: Androgen deprivation therapy has a deleterious effect on bone health, causing loss of bone mineral density and increasing the risk of fractures. The significant decrease in bone mineral density and fractures in elderly men can lead to morbidity, mortality, and poor quality of life. Bone mineral density assessment prior to initiating androgen deprivation therapy should be performed to identify bone issues prior to initiating therapy and to ensure that preventive bone health management strategies are executed.
Implications for nursing practice: Awareness of bone loss factors for men treated with androgen deprivation therapy is important in caring for patients undergoing treatment for prostate cancer. Bone fractures can have a significant impact on activities of daily living and diminish quality of life. Oncology nurses can play a key role in patient and caregiver education regarding the importance of bone health management strategies and the assessment of patient-related risk factors that may limit adherence to treatment recommendations.
Keywords: Androgen deprivation therapy; Bone fracture; Osteoporosis; Prostate cancer; Quality of life; bisphosphonate therapy.
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