In present study, 50 nasal and conjunctival pooled swab samples from 48 dogs, one each from leopard and cat were collected, which were suspected for canine distemper from Anand and Ahmedabad districts during period of January-21 to June-21. Out of the 50 samples, 18% were positive for CD by Lateral flow assay (LFA). Using LFA, one each sample from leopard and cat samples were found negative for CD by LFA. Out of the total 50 (48 dogs, one each from leopard and cat) samples, 14 and 4% were positive by N-gene and H-gene based RT-PCR respectively. Comparative analysis of N and H genes, both the samples positive by H-gene based RT-PCR were also positive by N-gene based RT-PCR, which detected 5 more samples positive than H-gene based RT-PCR. Comparative analysis of N-gene based RT-PCR and LFA, relative sensitivity and specificity were 55.55% and 95.12% respectively. Comparative analysis of H-gene based RT-PCR and LFA relative sensitivity and specificity were 22.22 and 100% respectively.
Keywords: Canine distemper; Canine morbillivirus; LFA and RT-PCR.
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Indian Virological Society 2022.