Comparative immunocytochemical experiments with antisera directed against renin and three synthetical peptides (Pro 1, Pro 2A and Pro 3) covering almost the entire span of human renin prosegment were performed on human kidney tissue. With anti-Pro 1, i.e. the antiserum which recognizes the NH2 terminus of human prorenin, no clear immunolabeling of juxtaglomerular epithelioid cell secretory granules could be obtained. It is therefore concluded that the corresponding portion of human prorenin may be cleaved off in the Golgi complex. After application of anti-Pro 3, the antiserum which recognizes the COOH terminus of the prosegment, only the juvenile secretory granules of epithelioid cells were consistently labeled, whereas, in contrast, some of the intermediate and most of the mature secretory granules were anti-Pro 3-negative. As the immunoreactivity of mature renin increased remarkably from protogranules to mature secretory granules, it is suggested that the cleavage of the COOH terminus of the prosegment, i.e. the activation of renin, takes place in juvenile and intermediate granules during condensation of the enzyme. The immunoreactivity of Pro 2A, corresponding to the middle portion of the prosegment, disappeared in a somewhat earlier stage of granulopoiesis than that of Pro 3. It is therefore concluded that the corresponding segmental cleavage, the result of which is a truncated version of intact prorenin, occurs in the protogranules of epithelioid cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)