The recent advances in femtosecond vacuum UV (VUV) pulse generation, pioneered by the work of Noack et al., has enabled new experiments in ultrafast time-resolved spectroscopy. Expanding on this work, we report the generation of 60 fs VUV pulses at the 7th harmonic of Ti:sapphire with more than 50 nJ of pulse energy at a repetition rate of 1 kHz. The 114.6 nm pulses are produced using non-collinear four-wave difference-frequency mixing in argon. The non-collinear geometry increases the phase-matching pressure, and results in a conversion efficiency of ∼10-3 from the 200 nm pump beam. The VUV pulses are pre-chirp-compensated for material dispersion with xenon, which has negative dispersion in this wavelength range, thus allowing almost transform-limited pulses to be delivered to the experimental chamber.