Safety of direct acting antiviral treatment for hepatitis C in oncologic setting: A clinical experience and a literature review

World J Hepatol. 2022 Mar 27;14(3):525-534. doi: 10.4254/wjh.v14.i3.525.


With a globally estimated 58 million people affected by, chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection still represents a hard challenge for scientific community. A chronic course can occur among patients with a weak innate ad adaptive response with cirrhosis and malignancies as main consequences. Oncologic patients undergoing chemotherapy represent a special immunocompromised population predisposed to HCV reactivation (HCVr) with undesirable changes in cancer treatment and outcome. Aim of the study highlight the possibility of HCVr in oncologic population eligible to chemotherapy and its threatening consequences on cancer treatment; underline the importance of HCV screening before oncologic therapy and the utility of direct aging antivirals (DAAs). A comprehensive overview of scientific literature has been made. Terms searched in PubMed were: "HCV reactivation in oncologic setting" "HCV screening", "second generation DAAs". Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamics characteristics of DAAs are reported, along with drug - drug interactions among chemotherapeutic drug classes regimens and DAAs. Clinical trials conducted among oncologic adults with HCV infection eligible to both chemotherapy and DAAs were analyzed. Viral eradication with DAAs in oncologic patients affected by HCV infection is safe and helps liver recovery, allowing the initiation of cancer treatment no compromising its course and success.

Keywords: Direct aging antivirals; Drug interactions; Hepatitis C Virus; Pharmacodynamic; Pharmacokinetic; Pre-emptive therapy.

Publication types

  • Review