Recombination values were used to calculate the gene-centromere map distances for four electrophoretically detected loci, Aat3, Idh1, Idh4, and Mpi, in chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta). We also report the results from 39 pairwise examinations for joint segregation for 10 loci in nine testcross families. Only two loci assorted nonrandomly--either Aat1 or Aat2 with Gpt. Gene-centromere distances for Aat3 and Mpi differed significantly from those reported previously for rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri), a closely related species. This difference indicates either the presence of chromosome rearrangements or a different rate of recombination between the species. These results contrast with the conservation of linkage distances previously reported within and between other salmonid genera.