Prevalence of HIV and Its Co-Infection with Hepatitis B/C Virus Among Chronic Liver Disease Patients in Ethiopia

Hepat Med. 2022 May 13:14:67-77. doi: 10.2147/HMER.S365443. eCollection 2022.


Background: The efficient use of antiretroviral drugs has significantly reduced AIDS-related morbidities and mortalities; however, mortality due to non-AIDS-related end-stage liver diseases is escalating in those living with HIV.

Objective: The study was designed to determine the prevalence of HIV and its co-infection with HBV and HCV among chronic liver disease (CLD) patients in Ethiopia.

Methods: Three hundred and forty-five CLD patients were included in this study in two groups: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) (n=128) and non-HCC (n=217) patients. The non-HCC group comprised patients with advanced liver disease (n=98) and chronic hepatitis (n=119). Enzyme immunoassays were used to determine HBV and HCV infection markers. In addition, a serial rapid HIV testing algorithm was employed to screen HIV infection.

Results: Regardless of the stage of liver disease, the overall frequency of HIV was 4.3% (15/345), with a 2% (7/345) and 0.3% (1/345) of HIV/HBV and HIV/HCV co-infection rate. Of all HIV-infected patients (n=15), 46.7% (7/15) and 6.7% (1/15) were co-infected with HBV (HBsAg+HBcAb+) and HCV (anti-HCV+ HCV-RNA+), respectively, and 86.7% (13/15) exhibited a marker of HBV exposure (total HBcAb+). Overall, the frequency of HIV and its co-infection with HBV was more noticeable among HCC than non-HCC patients [8.6% (11/128) vs 1.8 (4/217), p=0.005 and 3.9% (5/128) vs 0.9% (2/217), p=0.1]. The rate of HIV mono-infection was 3.9% (5/128) vs 0.9% (2/217) among HCC and non-HCC patients.

Conclusion: The frequency of HIV and its co-infections with HBV/HCV exhibited an increasing pattern with the severity of the liver disease. Thus, screening all HIV-positive patients for HBV and HCV infection and all CLD patients for HIV infection and taking necessary preventive measures would be an essential strategy to prevent the progression of CLD and death related to liver disease in people living with HIV.

Keywords: HBV; HCC; HCV; HIV; non-AIDS liver diseases.

Grants and funding

An indirect fund was secured for this study from Addis Ababa University, Hawassa University, and AHRI. The sponsors had no involvement in any of the stages from study design to submission of this manuscript for publication.