Background: The purpose of this study is to verify parents' knowledge of child nutrition and their awareness of the interaction between unhealthy sugars in their child's diet and caries formation.
Methods: a questionnaire was proposed using Instagram to analyze type of breastfeeding; type of weaning and diet; home oral hygiene maneuvers; bad habits (use of pacifiers, bottles, and sugary substances); knowledge on the usefulness of fluoride; and first dental visit. A total of 200 parents from different regions of Italy with children aged 2 months to 6 years were contacted. Results showed that 66% parents preferred breastfeeding, while the remaining 34% chose artificial breastfeeding. Fifty percent (100 babies) started weaning at six months, 20% (40 babies) at the fifth month, 13.5% (27 babies) at the fourth month, and only 11.5% (23 babies) in a range from the seventh to ninth month of life. Oral hygiene practices were performed only by 25% of parents before eruption of the first tooth. After eruption of the first tooth, there is greater attention to home oral hygiene practices: 59% of parents carry out and teach their children daily home oral hygiene maneuvers.
Conclusions: it is possible to raise awareness among parents and caregivers on the importance of food education.
Keywords: baby food; diet; oral health; oral health and nutrition.