High efficiency site-directed chromosomal integration of exogenous DNA in plants remains a challenge despite recent advances in genome editing technologies. One approach to mitigate this problem is to increase the effective concentration of the donor DNA at the target site of interest. HUH endonucleases (ENs) coordinate rolling circle replication. In vitro, they can form stable covalent bonds with DNA that carries their recognition motifs. When fused to a CRISPR-associated endonuclease, HUH ENs may improve integration rates by increasing the local donor concentration through tethering of the donor to the CRISPR nuclease. We tested this hypothesis by using chimeric proteins between LbCas12a as a CRISPR-associated endonuclease and the HUH EN from Faba Bean Necrotic Yellow Virus in soybean (Glycine max). Two fusion protein configurations were tested to integrate a 70-nt oligonucleotide donor into a commercially important target site using protoplasts and in planta transformation. Site-directed integration rates of the donor DNA, when tethered to the fusion protein, reached about 26% in plants and were up to four-fold higher than in untethered controls. Integrations via canonical homology-directed repair or non-homologous end joining were promoted by tethering in a similar fashion. This study is the first demonstration of HUH EN-associated tethering to improve site-directed DNA integration in plants.
Keywords: Glycine max; Cas12a; Faba Bean Necrotic Yellow Virus; Genome editing (or CRISPR); HUH endonuclease; homology-directed repair; non-homologous end joining; site-directed integration; technical advance.
© 2022 Society for Experimental Biology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.