The use of single isomorphous replacement (SIR) has become less widespread due to difficulties in sample preparation and the identification of isomorphous native and derivative data sets. Non-isomorphism becomes even more problematic in serial experiments, because it adds natural inter-crystal non-isomorphism to heavy-atom-soaking-induced non-isomorphism. Here, a method that can successfully address these issues (and indeed can benefit from differences in heavy-atom occupancy) and additionally significantly simplifies the SIR experiment is presented. A single heavy-atom soak into a microcrystalline slurry is performed, followed by automated serial data collection of partial data sets. This produces a set of data collections with a gradient of heavy-atom occupancies, which are reflected in differential merging statistics. These differences can be exploited by an optimized genetic algorithm to segregate the pool of data sets into `native' and `derivative' groups, which can then be used to successfully determine phases experimentally by SIR.
Keywords: genetic algorithms; machine learning; microcrystallography; serial crystallography; single isomorphous replacement.
open access.