Pulsed-power generators can produce well-controlled continuous ramp compression of condensed matter for high-pressure equation-of-state studies using the magnetic loading technique. X-ray diffraction (XRD) data from dynamically compressed samples provide direct measurements of the elastic compression of the crystal lattice, onset of plastic flow, strength-strain rate dependence, structural phase transitions, and density of crystal defects, such as dislocations. Here, we present a cost-effective, compact, pulsed x-ray source for XRD measurements on pulsed-power-driven ramp-loaded samples. This combination of magnetically driven ramp compression of materials with a single, short-pulse XRD diagnostic will be a powerful capability for the dynamic materials' community to investigate in situ dynamic phase transitions critical to equation of states. We present results using this new diagnostic to evaluate lattice compression in Zr and Al and to capture signatures of phase transitions in CdS.