Left ventricular pressure overload (LVPO) can develop from antecedent diseases such as aortic valve stenosis and systemic hypertension and is characterized by accumulation of myocardial extracellular matrix (ECM). Evidence from patient and animal models supports limited reductions in ECM following alleviation of PO, however, mechanisms that control the extent and timing of ECM regression are undefined. LVPO, induced by 4 wk of transverse aortic constriction (TAC) in mice, was alleviated by removal of the band (unTAC). Cardiomyocyte cross-sectional area, collagen volume fraction (CVF), myocardial stiffness, and collagen degradation were assessed for: control, 2-wk TAC, 4-wk TAC, 4-wk TAC + 2-wk unTAC, 4-wk TAC + 4-wk unTAC, and 4-wk TAC + 6-wk unTAC. When compared with 4-wk TAC, 2-wk unTAC resulted in increased reactivity of collagen hybridizing peptide (CHP) (representing initiation of collagen degradation), increased levels of collagenases and gelatinases, decreased levels of collagen cross-linking enzymes, but no change in CVF. When compared with 2-wk unTAC, 4-wk unTAC demonstrated decreased CVF, which did not decline to control values. At 4-wk and 6-wk unTAC, CHP reactivity and mediators of ECM degradation were reduced versus 2-wk unTAC, whereas levels of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1 increased. ECM homeostasis changed in a time-dependent manner after removal of LVPO and is characterized by early increases in collagen degradation, followed by a later dampening of this process. Tempered ECM degradation with time is predicted to contribute to the finding that normalization of hemodynamic overload alone does not completely regress myocardial fibrosis.NEW & NOTEWORTHY In this study, a murine model demonstrated persistent interstitial fibrosis and myocardial stiffness following alleviation of pressure overload.
Keywords: LVPO; collagen cross-linking; collagen degradation; fibrosis; heart failure.