The proposed Edge-based Trust Management System (E-TMS) uses an Eigenvector-based approach for eliminating the security threats present in the Internet of Things (IoT) enabled smart city environment. In most existing trust management systems, the trust aggregation process completely depends on the direct trust ratings obtained from both legitimate and malicious neighboring IoT devices. E-TMS possesses an edge-assisted two-level trust computation approach for ensuring the malicious free trust evaluation of IoT devices. The E-TMS aims at removing the false contribution on aggregated trust data. It utilizes the properties of the Eigenvector for identifying compromised IoT devices. The Eigenvector Analysis also helps to avoid false detection. The analysis involves a comparison of all the contributed trust data about every single connected device. A spectral matrix will be generated corresponding to the contributions and the received trust will be scaled based on the obtained spectral values. The absolute sum of obtained values will contain only true contributions. The accurate identification of false data will remove the effect of malicious contributions from the final trust value of a connected IoT device. Since the final trust value calculated by the edge node contains only the trustworthy data, the prediction about the malicious nodes will be accurate. Eventually, the performance of E-TMS has been validated. Throughput and network resilience are higher than the existing system.
Copyright © 2022 G. Nagarajan et al.