Lesions of the gastrointestinal tract with massive tissue eosinophilia may present a difficult diagnostic problem. In a series of 250 gastrointestinal lymphomas drawn from the files of St Bartholomew's and St Mark's Hospitals there were 28 cases of a lymphoma with distinctive histological features, characterized by a massive tissue eosinophilia. Two of these tumours were present in the stomach and 26 in the small intestine. Eight of the latter were associated with coeliac disease. On low power examination a zoning phenomenon was regularly seen and fissuring ulceration, with perforation and fistula formation, was a common finding. The tumour cells were large and pleomorphic with irregular nuclear morphology and prominent nucleoli. Eosinophils were the predominant inflammatory cell associated with the lymphoma but plasma cells, epithelioid histiocytes and small lymphocytes were also present. Vascular changes were prominent. Involved lymph nodes showed gross expansion of the paracortex by tumour. Immunohistochemical studies showed that this lymphoma was probably of T-cell origin.