Background & aims: With or without antiviral treatment, few individuals achieve sustained functional cure of chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. A better definition of what mediates functional cure is essential for improving immunotherapeutic strategies. We aimed to compare HBV-specific T cell responses in patients with different degrees of viral control.
Methods: We obtained blood from 124 HBV-infected individuals, including those with acute self-limiting HBV infection, chronic infection, and chronic infection with functional cure. We screened for HBV-specific T cell specificities by ELISpot, assessed the function of HBV-specific T cells using intracellular cytokine staining, and characterized HBV-specific CD4 T cells using human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II tetramer staining, all directly ex vivo.
Results: ELISpot screening readily identified HBV-specific CD4 and CD8 T cell responses in acute resolving infection compared with more limited reactivity in chronic infection. Applying more sensitive assays revealed higher frequencies of functional HBV-specific CD4 T cells, but not CD8 T cells, in functional cure compared to chronic infection. Function independent analysis using HLA multimers also identified more HBV-specific CD4 T cell responses in functional cure compared to chronic infection, with the emergence of CD4 T cell memory both after acute and chronic infection.
Conclusions: Functional cure is associated with higher frequencies of functional HBV-specific CD4 memory T cell responses. Thus, immunotherapeutic approaches designed to induce HBV functional cure should also aim to improve CD4 T cell responses.
Lay summary: Immunotherapy is a form of treatment that relies on harnessing the power of an individual's immune system to target a specific disease or pathogen. Such approaches are being developed for patients with chronic HBV infection, in an attempt to mimic the immune response in patients who control HBV infection spontaneously, achieving a so-called functional cure. However, what exactly defines protective immune responses remains unclear. Herein, we show that functional cure is associated with robust responses by HBV-specific CD4 T cells (a type of immune cell).
Keywords: CD4 T cells; HLA multimer; Hepatitis B virus; T cell function; functional cure.
Copyright © 2022 European Association for the Study of the Liver. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.