Purpose: To establish the Size Specific Dose Estimate (SSDE) typical values for pediatric head CT examinations based on the AAPM report TG-293; to provide a new stratification based on the water-equivalent diameter (Dw), given that SSDE is related to the head size.
Methods: 296 Head CT scans of pediatric patients collected using a dose monitoring software were retrospectively analysed. Typical values were derived stratifying data by age in three methods: the first proposed by the European Guidelines on Diagnostic Reference Levels for Pediatric Imaging (RP185), the second by the National Istisan Report 20/22 and a local one related to the clinical protocols (LStrata). For each scan, a self-developed Matlab routine calculated the water-equivalent diameter (Dw) and related SSDE values with the conversion factors fH16and fB16provided by the AAPM reports TG-293 and TG-204, respectively. Eventually, a Dwstratification was introduced starting from a measure of the lateral dimension of the head.
Results: SSDE based on TG-204 overestimatesthe dose up to 12%. Four Dwgroups were identified thanks to the good correlation between the head lateral dimension andDw: Dw < 14 cm, 14 ≤ Dw < 16 cm, 16 ≤ Dw< 17 cm, Dw≥ 17 cm. The Dw-stratified dosimetric indices presentgreater variability than those grouped by age because of the large variability of the size of the infant's head.
Conclusions: The variability of the SSDE metric underlines that age-optimized protocols are not when size is considered.
Keywords: Head CT; Pediatric; Radiation dose tracking system; SSDE.
Copyright © 2022 Associazione Italiana di Fisica Medica e Sanitaria. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.