An enormous increase in the application of wireless communication in recent decades has intensified research into consequent increase in human exposure to electromagnetic (EM) radiofrequency (RF) radiation fields and potential health effects, especially in school children and teenagers, and this paper gives a snap overview of current findings and recommendations of international expert bodies, with the emphasis on exposure from Wi-Fi technology indoor devices. Our analysis includes over 100 in vitro, animal, epidemiological, and exposure assessment studies (of which 37 in vivo and 30 covering Wi-Fi technologies). Only a small portion of published research papers refers to the "real" health impact of Wi-Fi technologies on children, because they are simply not available. Results from animal studies are rarely fully transferable to humans. As highly controlled laboratory exposure experiments do not reflect real physical interaction between RF radiation fields with biological tissue, dosimetry methods, protocols, and instrumentation need constant improvement. Several studies repeatedly confirmed thermal effect of RF field interaction with human tissue, but non-thermal effects remain dubious and unconfirmed.
Značajan porast uporabe bežične RF komunikacije u posljednjim desetljećima te s tim povezane izloženosti ljudi umjetno stvorenom neionizirajućem zračenju (RF polja), koje prije nije postojalo na Zemlji, tema su velikog broja istraživanja mogućih utjecaja tih zračenja na okoliš i zdravlje ljudi, osobito djece i mladih, kako bi se utvrdile činjenice o međudjelovanju RF polja s genskim materijalom živih bića. U ovom radu dan je pregled aktualnih istraživanja i preporuka međunarodnih stručnih tijela. Poseban naglasak dan je na mogući utjecaj radiofrekvencijskoga zračenja na mlade odnosno na školsku djecu koja su mu tijekom školovanja svakodnevno dodatno izložena tijekom e-škole korištenjem najmodernijih Wi-Fi tehnologijskih rješenja za komunikaciju u obrazovanju.
Keywords: SAR; e-school; e-škola; exposure to RF fields; izloženost RF poljima; radiofrekvencija; radiofrequency.
© 2022 Ivica Prlić, Jerko Šiško, Veda Marija Varnai, Luka Pavelić, Jelena Macan, Silvija Kobešćak, Mladen Hajdinjak, Mihovil Jurdana, Zdravko Cerovac, Branimir Zauner, Marija Surić Mihić, and Selma Cvijetić Avdagić, published by Sciendo.