The paper introduces professor SHENG Can-ruo's experience in treatment of goiter with the combination of acupuncture and herbal medication. Professor SHENG believes that this disease is mostly related with emotional injury, improper diet and geographical and climatic factors, as well as body constitution. Qi stagnation, phlegm retention, blood stagnation and interaction of phlegm and stasis are the essential pathogenesis of goiter. Either acupuncture or herbal medication should focus on "phlegm and stasis" in treatment. Besides, the theory of western medicine should also be considered. In western medicine, thyroid enlargement is classified into Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ degrees of struma, thus, the pathogenesis and treatment with Chinese medicine should be adjusted accordingly. The created "four throat points", combined with acupuncture at distal points, relieve the local masses. The basic herbal formula is prepared and the couplet medicines are modified based on syndrome differentiation. The integrated acupuncture and herbal medication regulates emotions and provides a comprehensive treatment for goiter.
Keywords: SHENG Can-ruo; acupuncture; couplet medicines; famous doctor's experience; four throat points; goiter; integrated acupuncture and herbal medication.