Level of emergency and disaster preparedness of public hospitals in Northwest Ethiopia: A cross-sectional study

Afr J Emerg Med. 2022 Sep;12(3):246-251. doi: 10.1016/j.afjem.2022.05.007. Epub 2022 Jun 24.


Background: From time to time, the magnitude and type of health emergencies and disasters are increasing. Hospital emergency and disaster preparedness, on the other hand, is still in its early stages in many low- and middle-income countries. In Ethiopia, research on hospital disaster preparedness is severely limited. As a result, the purpose of this study was to determine the level of hospital emergency and disaster preparedness at public hospitals in the east Gojjam zone of Northwest Ethiopia.

Methods: A census method was used to include ten hospitals in the East Gojjam zone in a cross-sectional descriptive study. An adopted World Health Organization observation checklist was used to assess disaster and emergency preparedness. Each question was assigned a score out of three points, with one indicating low readiness and three indicating the highest level of preparation. Finally, the level of preparedness was classified as "low" if the average percentage score ranged from 33.3% to 66.6 %, and as "high" if the percentage score ranged from 66.7 % to 100 %. The results were then presented in the form of texts, tables, and percentages.

Results: The evaluated hospitals' overall level of emergency and disaster preparedness falls into the low category, with an average calculated preparedness score of 54.75 %. The domain with the lowest preparedness is logistics and finance (43.33 %), while the domain with the highest preparedness is patient care and support services (60 %).

Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, the level of emergency and disaster preparedness in the hospitals studied is low. It is therefore recommended that the ministry of health, regional health bureaus, and hospital administrators collaborate to develop an appropriate intervention strategy to address this issue.

Keywords: Disaster; Emergency; Hospitals; Northwest Ethiopia; Preparedness.