Chronic conditions are common in childhood. We investigated the associations of childhood chronic conditions reported by parents with subsequent self-reported internalizing and externalizing problems in adolescence. A sample of 6290 children (3142 boys and 3148 girls) with data on chronic condition reported by parents both at 7 and at 16 years of age was obtained from the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1986 (NFBC 1986), which is a longitudinal 1-year birth cohort (n = 9432) from an unselected, regionally defined population. Internalizing and externalizing problems were measured at 8 years of age with Rutter Children's Behavioral Questionnaire by teachers and at 16 years of age with Youth Self-Report by adolescents. When studying the effects of history of chronic conditions on these problems at 16 years of age, childhood internalizing and externalizing problems and social relations were adjusted. A history of chronic condition predicted subsequent somatic complaints among all adolescents. Early-onset chronic conditions were related to subsequent externalizing (OR 1.35; 1.02-1.79) and attention problems (OR 1.33; 1.01-1.75) and later onset of chronic conditions with internalizing (OR 1.49; 1.22-1.82) and thought problems (OR 1.50; 1.18-1.92). The effect was specific for sex and the type of chronic condition.
Conclusion: Childhood chronic conditions predicted internalizing and externalizing problems in adolescence. To prevent poor mental health trajectories, children with chronic conditions during their growth to adolescence need early support and long-term monitoring.
What is known: • Childhood adversities increase the risk of mental disorders. • Internalizing and externalizing problems have been suggested for measuring childhood and adolescent psychopathologies.
What is new: • Having a chronic condition (CC) before the age of 7 or later but before the age of 16 had different outcomes in adolescence. The early onset predicted externalizing problems, whereas the late onset predicted internalizing problems and thought problems in adolescence. The risk of somatic complaints was increased regardless of CC onset time. These findings can reflect more restricted ability to mental processing in the younger children.
Keywords: Adolescence; Childhood; Chronic condition; Externalizing problems; Internalizing problems; Longitudinal study.
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