Objective: This study reports on food insecurity (FI) amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
Participants and methods: College students in four regions of the US completed the two-item validated Hunger Vital Sign™ screening tool on Qualtrics.
Results: FI increased significantly after March 2020 among US students (worry about food running out: 25% to 35%; food did not last: 17% to 21%) with significant regional increase in the Midwest and South. An adjusted multivariable logistic regression model indicated students that ran out of food were significantly at greater odds of experiencing hardship with paying bills (AOR: 5.59, 95% CI =3.90-8.06).
Conclusions: The findings identified an increase in the prevalence of FI among college students during the pandemic. Suggestions of how to address FI are discussed.
Keywords: Food Insecurity; US regions; college and university students.