The present study aimed to determine their nutritional, elemental, bioactive compounds, textural, and sensory evaluation of herbal cookies by incorporating the basil, basil along with ajwain or orange peel that encompasses adequate nutrients. The cookies prepared with four different composition i.e., Sample1 (control), Sample 2 (basil), Sample 3 (basil + ajwain), Sample 4 (basil + orange peel). Results interpret that incorporating basil, ajwain, and orange peel have an encouraging effect on the nutritional and elemental value of cookies compared to sample 1. Sample 1 contains a fair amount of carotenoid content, and the phenolic content was higher in sample 4, whereas chlorophyll content was higher in sample 3. In contrast, sample 2 contains the highest level of chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll. The samples containing basil were harder (398.49 ± 17.09), and fracture-ability was more in the control sample (657.98 ± 75.62), whereas gumminess was more in cookies prepared from basil + orange (180.64 ± 8.40). After control basil incorporated cookies showed better in color (7 ± 0.58), hardness (7.46 ± 0.78), taste (7.23 ± 0.44), mouth feel (7 ± 0.82), and overall acceptability (7.07 ± 0.73) compared to other cookies. Considering all the parameters in this study, cookies prepared with herb basil incorporation help improve the quality of cookies.
Keywords: Ajwain; Basil; Cookies; Orange peel; Quality.
© Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (India) 2021.