Introduction: Invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) caused by Neisseria meningitidis is a disease with a high mortality and morbidity rate. Serogroup W meningococci (MenW) used to be associated with sporadic disease worldwide. In recent years, a surge in MenW incidence is being observed.
Report: An older adult presenting with acute onset shortness of breath, chest pain and fever, was diagnosed with pericarditis with meningococcemia due to MenW:ST11 strain. MenW infections are reported to have a higher case fatality rate and atypical clinical presentations: MenW has been identified in patients presenting with pneumonia, gastro-intestinal symptoms, arthritis, and pericarditis.
Discussion: In Belgium, the National Reference Laboratory is also noticing an increase in serogroup Wmeningococcal disease. Recent epidemiological data for Belgium is reported in the article. MenW infections are reported to have a higher case fatality rate and atypical clinical presentations: MenW has been identified in patients presenting with pneumonia, gastro-intestinal symptoms, arthritis, and pericarditis.
Conclusion: When factors for poor prognosis are present in patients with pericarditi clinicians should be vigilant and search for the underlying aetiology .
Keywords: N. meningitidis; Pericarditis; invasive meningococcal disease; serogroup W.