Ultrasound Guided Intra-thymic Injection to Track Recent Thymic Emigrants and Investigate T Cell Development

Bio Protoc. 2018 Dec 5;8(23):e3107. doi: 10.21769/BioProtoc.3107.


To track recent thymic emigrants (RTEs) or study T cell development in the thymus, intra-thymic injection of a cellular tag or precursor cells for various T cell lineages is often desired. However, the traditional surgical approach to expose the thymus for intra-thymic injection is time-consuming and can cause a high level of pain and stress to animals, which might disrupt immune homeostasis, potentially confounding the results. Here, we introduce an ultrasound guided intra-thymic injection procedure, which is non-surgical and minimally invasive to animals. This technique is relatively easy to learn and offers an efficient and accurate tool to track RTEs or perform intra-thymic transfer of various cell types to investigate their differentiation.

Keywords: Intra-thymic injection; Invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells; Recent thymic emigrants; Regulatory T (Treg) cells; T cell development; Thymus; Ultrasound.