Evaluation of brain disease in veterinary patients uses a wide variety of MRI sequences. A shortened protocol that maintains consistency of interpretation would reduce radiologist reporting time, patient anesthetic time, and client cost. The aims of this retrospective, methods comparison, observer agreement study were to evaluate whether abbreviated MRI protocols alter differential diagnoses and recommendations compared to our institution's standard protocol; evaluate interobserver agreement on standard brain MRIs; and assess whether differential diagnoses change after postcontrast images. Normal and pathologic canine and feline brain MRIs were retrieved from hospital archives. Three protocols were created from each: a 5-sequence noncontrast enhanced Fast Brain Protocol 1 (FBP1); a 6-sequence contrast-enhanced Fast Brain Protocol 2 (FBP2); and an 11-sequence standard brain protocol (SBP). Three blinded veterinary radiologists interpreted FBP images for 98 cases (1 reader/case) and SBP images for 20 cases (3 readers/case). A fourth observer compared these interpretations to the original MRI reports (OMR). Overall agreement between FBPs and OMR was good (k = 0.75) and comparable to interobserver agreement for multiple reviews of SBP cases. Postcontrast images substantially altered conclusions in 17/97 cases (17.5%), as well as improved interobserver agreement compared to noncontrast studies. The conclusions reached with shortened brain protocols were comparable to those of a full brain study. The findings supported the use of a 6-sequence brain MRI protocol (sagittal T2-weighted [T2w] TSE; transverse T2w turbo spin echo fluid-attenuated inversion recovery, T2*-weighted gradient recalled echo, T1-weighted spin echo, and diffusion weighted imaging/apparent diffusion coefficient; and postcontrast transverse T1-weighted spin echo) for dogs and cats with suspected intracranial disease.
Keywords: agreement; canine; fast protocol; feline; neuroimaging.
© 2022 American College of Veterinary Radiology.