ABSTARCTEnterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) O157:H7 is a human pathogen that causes a variety of diseases, such as hemorrhagic colitis and lethal hemolytic uremic syndrome. Flagellum-dependent motility plays diverse roles in the pathogenesis of EHEC O157:H7, including its migration to an optimal host site, adherence and colonization, survival at the infection site, and post-infection dispersal. However, it is very expensive for cellular economy in terms of the number of genes and the energy required for flagellar biosynthesis and functioning. Furthermore, the flagellar filament bears strong antigenic properties that induce a strong host immune response. Consequently, the flagellar gene expression and biosynthesis are highly regulated to occur at the appropriate time and place by different regulatory influences. The present review focuses on the regulatory mechanisms of EHEC O157:H7 motility and flagellar biosynthesis, especially in terms of flagellar gene regulation by environmental factors, regulatory proteins, and small regulatory RNAs.
Keywords: EHEC O157:H7; environmental factors; flagellar biosynthesis; flagellar gene expression; flagellum-mediated motility; molecular mechanism; regulation; small regulatory RNAs.