The work of Aguayo and colleagues [Aguayo, David and Bray (1981) J. Exp. Biol. 95, 231-240] demonstrates that grafts of peripheral neural tissue are able to induce regenerative elongation of cut axons in the adult central nervous system. Elucidation of the mechanism of this response requires an understanding of the cellular interactions induced by these types of transplant. In previous studies [Zhou, Lawrence, Morris and Raisman (1986) Neuroscience 17, 815-827; Zhou, Lindsay, Lawrence and Raisman (1986) Neuroscience 17, 803-813] we have transplanted decapsulated adult superior cervical sympathetic ganglia or nodose ganglia into either the septal nuclei or the choroid fissure of adult syngeneic rat hosts. We found that host astrocytes invade the transplants along Schwann cell fascicles and around blood vessels. This raises the questions of what form the migrating astrocytes take, what routes they follow, and what is their fate. In the present study we have taken advantage of the fact that at longer survivals astrocytes accumulate as "paravascular cuffs", and we show that they have several specialized ultrastructural features, such as plasmalemmal caveolae, desmosomes, hemidesmosomes and accumulations of extracellular material. The specific stimuli inducing (or enhancing) these astrocytic specializations and their significance in relation to the wider morphogenetic events induced by peripheral neural transplants remain to be elucidated. However, the observations are further evidence of the remarkable mobility and plasticity of central astrocytes in transplantation situations, and in particular emphasize the involvement of the cell surface and its relationship to extracellular matrix.