The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly changed workplace management. Most workplaces have adopted the work-from-home policy to minimize the risk of community spread. Consequently, housing estates remain largely occupied during office hours. Since some housing estates are situated in the vicinity of an airport, noise pollution resulted from the takeoff and landing of aircraft is now more noticed by residents, causing annoyance. This problem would be most acute for those located directly under the flight path. Before the pandemic, such aircraft operations had lower effect on the residents because most of them were not at home but at workplaces. Evidently, it is timely that more emphasis should now be placed during urban planning to predict and minimize aircraft noise in the built environment. This article first defines the aircraft noise metrics commonly used to assess environmental impact. Preceded by an overview of how aircraft noise affects the built environment, this article reviews how various aircraft noise prediction models have been used in urban planning. Lastly, this article reviews how aircraft noise can be managed for better acoustic comfort of the residents. Anticipating the adoption of hybrid work arrangement moving forward, this article aims to provide urban planning professionals with an avenue to understand how aircraft noise can negatively affect the built environment, which, in turn, justify why prediction and management of aircraft noise should be emphasized from the outset of urban planning.
Keywords: AEDT, Aviation Environmental Design Tool; ANC, Active Noise Control; ANP, Aircraft Noise and Performance; Aircraft noise; BADA, Base of Aircraft Data; CAA, Civil Aviation Authority; CNEL, Community Noise Equivalent Level; DLR, German Aerospace Center; ECAC, European Civil Aviation Conference; Environmental noise; FAA, Federal Aviation Administration; ICAO, International Civil Aviation Organization; INM, Integrated Noise Model; LAE, A-Weighted Sound Exposure Level; LAmax, Maximum A-Weighted Noise Level; Lden, Day-Evening-Night Noise Level; Ldn, Day-Night Noise Level; NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration; NDI, Noise Depreciation Index; Noise mapping; Remote work; SEL, Sound Exposure Level; Urban planning; WECPNL, Weighted Equivalent Continuous Perceived Noise Level; WHO, World Health Organization.
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