Nine patients with adult acute leukemia were treated in relapse with piperazinedione plus supralethal total body irradiation in conjunction with autologous marrow infusion. Bone marrow cells were collected and stored in first remission. Storage time varied from 3 to 23 months. Before storage, marrow cells were separated using density albumin gradients in order to reduce the number of leukemic cells in the graft. Three patients died before day 14 after transplantation because of complications already present at the time of transplantation. In six patients, hemopoietic recovery started to occur within 14 days after transplantation. In four patients leukemia-free periods were obtained, lasting 60+ days. The three patients with the longest leukemia-free period after transplantation (range 75 to 220+ days) are reported in more detail. One patient is still alive without evidence of leukemia, with full hematological recovery 220+ days after transplantation.