Given the rapid development of plastics recycling in recent years, the need for guidelines for sampling and material characterization is steadily emerging. However, there still exists a considerable scarcity of methods that enable proper material data acquisition. This paper consists of two parts. The first part provides a critical review of the available sampling techniques that can be utilized in the field of plastics recycling. Several sampling studies were covered in the review alongside the prominent standardization institutions. It was found that neither the literature nor the standards provide a comprehensive practice that considers the distinctive characteristics of plastic waste and applies it to different situations along the value chain. In the second part, a proposal of a sampling plan for pretreated rigid plastic waste is conceptualized based on selected information from the reviewed methods. Two variants of the proposed plan were evaluated based on the flake size distribution and the apparent density of four different pretreated polyolefin (PO) waste materials. The results of the study showed that combining stratified random sampling with composite sampling yields a good sampling technique for rigid PO waste. Moreover, the analysis of a composite sample adequately conveys the true material properties of a sublot or lot.
Keywords: high-quality recyclates; plastic packaging; plastics recycling; polyethylene; polyolefin; polypropylene; waste management; waste sampling.